
After being completely destroyed by the Parícutin volcano, a new village was built in the distance. Lava rock is the main building material there. Soft rock is especially well suited to for carving the decorations. The volcanic eruption remains deeply in the memory of the local population and it is visible in the local art.

Houseside Shrine #1::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Houseside Shrine #1
Door Ajar::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Door Ajar
Wooden Balcony::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Wooden Balcony
Lava Rock Cornice::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Lava Rock Cornice
Prayers at the door::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Prayers at the door
Lava Rock Cross::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Lava Rock Cross
Houseside Shrine #2::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Houseside Shrine #2
Hand painted tiles::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Hand painted tiles
Born from eruption::Angahuan, Michoacán, Mexico::
Born from eruption

© 2020 Maciej Swulinski