Saint-Pierre Island

South Tip of Saint-Pierre Island::Saint-Pierre and Miquelon::
South Tip of Saint-Pierre Island

The island of Saint-Pierre is the smallest of three major islands of the French Territorial Collectivity Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. The other two islands are Miquelon and Langdale. Over 90% of the total population lives on Saint-Pierre, the rest live on the Miquelon Island. No one lives permanently on Langdale.

Small Lighthouse in the Fog::Saint-Pierre and Miquelon::
Small Lighthouse in the Fog
Lake on Saint-Pierre::Saint-Pierre and Miquelon::
Lake on Saint-Pierre
Ile aux Marins Island View::Saint-Pierre and Miquelon::
Ile aux Marins Island View
Blue Boat::Saint-Pierre and Miquelon::
Blue Boat
Langdale Island on the Horizon::Saint-Pierre and Miquelon::
Langdale Island on the Horizon

© 2011 Maciej Swulinski