Palace in Kopice

The existing classicist palace from the end of the 18th century was purchased in 1859 by Hans Ulryk von Schaffgotsch and Johanna von Schomberg-Godulla. They rebuilt Palace in Kopice (today Opolskie, Poland) in the Gothic Revival style with Renaissance Revival elements. The palace, surrounded by a large park, became one of the most magnificent residences in Silesia. The palace survived the World War II. However, in the post-war years it was robbed by Russian soldiers and fell into complete ruin after being set on fire in 1956.

North Side of the Palace::Palace in Kopice, Opolskie, Poland::
North Side of the Palace
Castle Ruins::Palace in Kopice, Opolskie, Poland::
Castle Ruins

Johanna von Schomberg-Godulla, born Gryzik, as a little girl was an obstacle to her widowed mother's plans to get married again. Therefore, her mother, who was in financial trouble, left her daughter in the care of her employer, Silesian industrialist Karl Godulla, who, having no children of his own, took her in as his own. On the day of Godulla's death in 1848, six-year-old Johanna Gryzik became the richest child in Silesia. Her guardian Karl Godulla left her a huge fortune in his will, which he had earned himself. It consisted of several dozen zinc ore and coal mines, several zinc smelters and many other properties. When Johanna later fell in love with Hans Ulrich von Schaffgotsch, her lack of nobility stood in the way of her marriage. However, when the King of Prussia granted her nobility, Johanna Gryzik changed her surname to von Schomberg-Godulla and married the count.

Still existing decoration in the façade::Palace in Kopice, Opolskie, Poland::
Still existing decoration in the façade
Palace Chapel::Palace in Kopice, Opolskie, Poland::
Palace Chapel

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